Developing Applications for the Cloud
Developing applications for the cloud means more than just running it on hardware that you don't own. To make full use of its capabilities, you need to rethink your tooling, your architecture, your code. In short, your entire development process. Join Eberhard Wolff, Grace Jansen, and Rachel Appel for a discussion on these changes.
Eberhard Wolff
Fellow at innoQ with more than 15 years of experience working at the intersection of business and technology More...
Grace Jansen
Biologist, developer advocate at IBM, working with Open Liberty and Reactive Platform. More...
Rachel Appel
Developer Advocate at JetBrains, veteran creator, web dev expert More...
Steve Poole
IBM developer advocate, DevOps practitioner (what ever that means), long-time IBM Java developer, leader, and evangelist More...